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Einstein's words for Japan

“There is a reason why the tight relationship between individuals is easier in Japan than our country. It seems one of the common features of the Japanese is that they do not express their feelings or emotions but remain calm and reserved under any and all circumstances. They do so in order to maintain good personal relationships. This is the reason why they can live under one roof, even together with somebody whom they do not really like, without having painful frictions and conflicts. Here lies the deep meaning of the Japanese smiles which have always puzzled the Europeans. It is due to their delicacy that they contain their feelings. It is also derived from their strong compassion for other people.”
(November 1922, Einstein)
from JAPAN ON THE GLOVE, May 18, 2008. Masaomi Ise

「どんな状況下でも落ち着いて行動し、例え性格の合わない人たちと一つ屋根に住んだとしても個人の表情を抑えることが出来る。和をもって貴しとする世界で、自然と和して生きているのです。 1922年11月 アインシュタイン」


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