(It is true that the Japanese people admire the intellectual achievements by Westerners and have thrown themselves into the pursuit of science under the banner of success and great idealism.) . . . however, that they do not lose or forget their virtues, which they have kept from long before they met the Western world, such as their artistic sense and ability exercised in their everyday life, the simplicity and modesty expected for individuals, and the pure and calm Japanese soul. (November 1922, Einstein) from JAPAN ON THE GLOVE, May 18, 2008. Masaomi Ise 「(日本人は西洋の知識業績に感嘆し、成功と大きな理想主義を掲げて、科学に飛び込んでいます。けれども) 西洋と出会う以前に日本人が本来持っている、生活の芸術家、謙虚さ、質素さ、純粋で静かな心を忘れないで欲しいものです。 1922年11月 アインシュタイン 」